7 Phhere Matrimony is not responsible for any incorrect or inaccurate Content posted on the Site or in connection with the 7 Phhere Matrimony Service, whether caused by Users, Members or by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the Service or for the conduct of any User and/or Member of the 7 Phhere Matrimony Service whether online or offline.
7 Phhere Matrimony assumes no responsibility for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to, or alteration of, User and/or Member communications or any communications by 7 Phhere Matrimony to its Members.
7 Phhere Matrimony is not responsible for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer on-line-systems, servers or providers, computer equipment, software, failure of email or players on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any web site or combination thereof, including injury or damage to Users and/or Members or to any other person’s computer related to or resulting from participating or downloading materials in connection with the 7 Phhere Matrimony Site and/or in connection with the 7 Phhere Matrimony Service.
Under no circumstances will 7 Phhere Matrimony be responsible for any loss or damage resulting from anyone’s use of the Site or the Service and/or any Content posted on the 7 Phhere Matrimony Site or transmitted to 7 Phhere Matrimony Members. The exchange of matrimonial profile(s) through or by ” 7 Phhere Matrimony ” is not a matrimonial offer and/or recommendation from/by 7 Phhere Matrimony. 7 Phhere Matrimony shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to any individual arising out of, or subsequent to, any relations (including but not limited to matrimonial relations) established pursuant to the use of 7 Phhere Matrimony.
The Site and the Service are provided “AS-IS” and 7 Phhere Matrimony expressly disclaims any warranty of fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. 7 Phhere Matrimony cannot guarantee and does not promise any specific results from use of the Site and/or the 7 Phhere Matrimony Service. 7 Phhere Matrimony expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility whatsoever and howsoever arising as a result of any Content posted on the Site / made available to 7 Phhere Matrimony by any Members or the users of the Site or any third party. 7 Phhere Matrimony does not assume any responsibility or liability for any illegal Content posted on the Site by any Members, users or any third party.
All liability, whether civil or criminal arising out of any Content that is Posted on the Site will be of that Member / user / third party who has Posted such Content and 7 Phhere Matrimony reserves its right to claim damages from such Member/ user / third party that it may suffer as a result of such Content Posted on the Site. 7 Phhere Matrimony does not claim ownership of Content you submit or make available for inclusion on the Service.
Your use of the 7 Phhere Matrimony or any content provided to you by 7 Phhere Matrimony is at your own risk. YOU UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT THE 7 Phhere Matrimony ARE PROVIDED TO YOU ON AN “AS IS” AND “AS AVAILABLE” BASIS. WITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING, TO THE FULL EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, 7 Phhere Matrimony DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRING 7 Phhere Matrimony pvt ltd. 7 Phhere Matrimony does not warrant that the Website, its servers, or e-mail sent from 7 Phhere Matrimony are free of viruses or other harmful components. 7 Phhere Matrimony will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from the use of this 7 Phhere Matrimony Website, including, but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, and consequential damages.
7 Phhere Matrimony does not give any implied or explicit guarantee or warranty of marriage or alliance by you choosing to use 7 Phhere Matrimony.
Notwithstanding anything contrary contained anywhere, under no circumstances, 7 Phhere Matrimony shall be held responsible or liable whatsoever or howsoever, arising out of, relating to or connected with:
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Any issue already stated in these terms and conditions including limitation of liability clause of these terms and conditions.
You also understand and agree that 7 Phhere Matrimony is not counter checking or authenticating the veracity of the data provided by any 7 Phhere Matrimony member while registering for 7 Phhere Matrimony. 7 Phhere Matrimony Members are expected to counter check the veracity of the details of the prospects while shortlisting the prospect and satisfy themselves before making a choice of your match through adequate efforts, initiatives and due diligence. 7 Phhere Matrimony do not claim the authenticity or ownership of the home or office address scheduled for an appointment as being the member’s actual or legal place of residence or employment respectively. 7 Phhere Matrimony will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from the use of this 7 Phhere Matrimony/Website consortium of websites, including, but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, and consequential damages.
Using/availing of third party services namely horoscope matching services etc. and for paying for such third party services through 7 Phhere Matrimony.
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Any issues relating to any technical malfunction of any telecommunication network, software, hardware failures, network congestion, denial of service, failure due to spamming or any combination of the above.
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